今天把这个也看了 //@庆儿V: @易拍全球@艺术商业 //@亚洲艺术中心: 配合《桃花源的理想一定要实现》(Travelling to the Utopian Village)装置作品,在V&A美术馆的中国馆还展出了徐冰的大幅新英文书法作品《桃花源记》,及装置作品创作过程的手稿和草图。该展览将展至2014年3月2日。展开全文
Today go write. I'm a stupid girl, sometime confuse sometime doubt. If you don't know how many gan die I hv, you can get out! Where my birkin come, where his money go! I show my nude pic, he swear to his wife, I still get sexy boy! All answer in 1 book! //@子威盧: 钢哥,下面看你的展开全文
今天经理最后一天,办公室破例整天音乐放到最大声,大家唱了一整天 = =!怪叫声此起彼伏,最恶心的是大家齐唱i can't dance,just a little crush之类的老歌,关键是还有高低声部= =!大概5点半的时候还一起来了falco的jeanny,到了such a lonely lil girl in a cold cold world那里简直笑疯了展开全文 原微博
LMAO! #urbandictionary# It basically means "Please use your imagination to figure out what the fuck I need to know to make a decision on this item without making me look like an idiot in front of all the people I CCed"展开全文