Just want to silently looking at you in the corner of the earth's care about you, your smile is my motivation for a day don't entertain wild hope you can know I am just want to look at you open happy heart of live each day I will always accompany in your side good night Krystal 展开全文原微博 fxooKrystal
郑秀晶//@沒人會比鄭秀晶愛宋茜: 晶茜的耳语图 锁屏是黑白版的郑秀妍//@郑宋榴芒YoonSsica: 同右//@壮壮想买农场给里德和挖煤崽: 晶茜的世纪拥抱~//@我是纯洁好妹子: 黄美英 原微博 fxooKrystal
我刚刚将 @KissSoo郑秀晶中文站 分享的"【KissSoo音频】 130606 Mnet Enemy of Broadcasting #郑秀晶# #Krystal# cut.mp3"保存到了 @微盘,推荐给大家! 🔗 网页链接 原微博 FXookrystal
哦 是西卡的妈妈吗 那也就是秀晶的妈妈咯 原微博