太难啦!!!!!!这部分storyline就码不粗来.......整个对这个产业就不是很理解........想死!!!!!!!!!!!还有1小时30分就deadline了............每到这个时候我都问自己一个最原始的问题why do i choose consulting? 这是病,得治!!!!展开全文 原微博
习大大在seoul.......VP喵了一句’your chairman is in seoul now'......I have to say 39; I am not even a party memeber!'...VP继续喵.39;I guess your father is...'..... 行吧,我爸妈是哇~~~~就这局势,是党员都捏把汗!展开全文 原微博
British Accent........though it sounds like Jude Law......It is really difficult for me to finish the conference all.......@王小坏走走停停 韩国呆久了英文好差好差啦~~~展开全文 原微博
刚present结束.......present的时候VP就坐旁边...."上一张"。。"下一张”....紧张死我了......满会议室的大叔啊!!!!.....紧张死我啦!!!!一直问market sizing怎么得出的......一直问CAGR为什么13-15放缓.....问怎么算的啊.....紧张死我啦!!!!明天去Four season hotel游泳!SKYFALL展开全文 原微博
我在的项目每天要死不活的,PM各种分析all based on some fucking unreliable BCG reports....我做不了B2C的项目啊,出什么结果我都觉得在骗人...神啊,让我上cross border M&A吧!!!....两点:1)B2B ....2)M/A/JV......God, plz!!!!!! @王小坏随遇而安 学姐你有偏好么?展开全文 原微博
@王小坏随遇而安 给你看段男咨询的邮件,灵动呀: “Jing, If this can really pull off, I may fly you to Vientnam to work on some negotiations, lets see how this play out".....看到“越南”二字,心凉一半.......I dont like Emerging market, not at all!展开全文 原微博
New Team..All men.More specific, All Aggressive men...All Korean Aggressive men....All korean mean aggressive men...All Assholes! ..I am going home now..@王小坏随遇而安 学姐,怎么忍到现在的? 我一张slide画了3遍,还没过...没吃午饭...没吃晚饭...PM走了,已然留下一句“你能做到对吧?”展开全文 原微博