people get paid according to his worth to the company. surely a graduate without any practical experience is worthless than a skilled worker. education doesn't guranatee a well-paid job, but it allows you to move up the ladder faster and stay at the top than those without.展开全文
in my experience, the person who blames the circumstances, the people around him for his actions, typically is the one who has problems. in that situation, a pure kid should have stopped his little buddies, instead of taking the initialtive to do it. won't get sympathy from me.展开全文
find a girl who values her boyfriend over ignorant remarks made by the complete strangers. people grows a brain to evaluate the situation, not only to match with the dress she wears. //@二逼瓦西里: 是的。挣钱的意义就在于此:远离low逼。展开全文
do people appreciate what she has done in the past 22 years ? did anyone reward her for her devotion and try to improve her working condition? totally not worth it to make such a sacrifice for these ungrateful people. though I admire her for her persistence.展开全文
getting into power struggle makes her look as ugly as sin. it's evil to drag woman into politics. //@严锋: 看到奇怪的东西了,“最好的妻子”......那“不太好的妻子”和“最不好的妻子”各是谁?展开全文