Italy,你又扮演了你在二战时候的角色,搞笑的.确实不在状态.作为一个伪球迷劳资都看不下切老,你妹的!布冯还是相当给力,不愧的门神。巴神肯定是昨天晚上累到了(Is it said that the players are forbidden to have sex during the period of worldcup? ah, maybe jerkoff.)哥斯拉的防守确实做得很好.展开全文 原微博
I have to ajust my attitude. it's not her fault, ma, of course, it's absolutely not mine. it's someone else's, i really wanna say fucking, as an well educated chinese citizen, i won't. I will only say, just the obvious fact, stupid!#微博真是个吐槽的好地方,puwei#展开全文 原微博