//@皇冠捷克革命: //@孙思远: 只要财政与货币政策保持宽松,利率一直低下去,美股就不会出大问题,until the music stops//@新浪财经: 华尔街资深交易员 @StephenGuilfoyle 表示,中国第三季度GDP数据的55%来自政府基建支出,同时各主要经济指标出现下滑,通胀却高于预期,经济前景令人担忧。展开全文
The sarge is great !!!!//@孙思远: 只要财政与货币政策保持宽松,利率一直低下去,美股就不会出大问题,until the music stops//@新浪财经: 华尔街资深交易员 @StephenGuilfoyle 表示,中国第三季度GDP数据的55%来自政府基建支出,同时各主要经济指标出现下滑,通胀却高于预期,经济前景令人担忧。展开全文
@DavidYoe2: The REAL gold trade is so far removed from this Syrian distraction it is scary. This is so very short term Gold will move higher regardless展开全文 原微博
Perhaps the most powerful man on the planet, who happens to be running the reserve currency of the world...like a hedge fund...just answered a question with "I dunno"... Worse still, he has just claimed that if he "dunno" than nobody does.展开全文 原微博