杜克神经学家Timothy Strauman谈波士顿爆炸案之后如何战胜恐怖:"In the immediate aftermath of this event, we will feel disoriented and disturbed. But we also know that we will continue to survive and thrive as a community and that we will not let our way of life be altered."展开全文
春假可以用来休闲娱乐,也可以用来提升自我,增长见识。Jinchin Liu, Hunter Douglas, Tolison Humphrey and Emmanuel Lim, all Grand Challenge Scholars at Duke's Pratt School of Engineering, joined Duke leaders in London March 12-13 for the first-ever Global Grand Challenges Summit.展开全文
托马斯·杰斐逊,独立宣言起草人,美国第三任总统 和残暴的伪君子?杜克法学院教授Paul Finkelman 在最近的纽约时报中提到在杰斐逊起草独立宣言的同时,他也拥有175名奴隶。Exploring the paradox of Jefferson's ‘liberty’ here 🔗 网页链接展开全文