人在江湖飘哪能不挨刀~现在电商环境竞争如此激烈各家无所不用其极几尽龌蹉下流之能事...虽说已经不是丛林法则的天下,但我们这些读书人就是缺少些流氓习气。 好吧,既如此叔也行动起来了,but do it in the 高富帅 way....死亡笔记(Death Note)入手,在笔记上写下目标名字的人将会死于心脏麻痹~展开全文
V said im the type that will suddently looked old from someday, M agreed, A said thats so called rapid descent, H laughed and is looking forward to see that happen. Holy shit mother fucker, i need more drinks展开全文
凡尔赛宫外有很多大小老黑在兜售纪念品。居然看到了上海公园常见的发条小鸟,忍不住上前调戏: how much is it? Fifteen. One fifty? Great i pay u 1.5€ No no! Fifteen! Fifty cents? Thats cheap man i'll take two. No! No! One five(15)...what? One for five birds? I'll take ten then:) ......展开全文