“加班情况非常严重,每周时间都在60小时以上,提案之前通宵个一两宿也是家常便饭。员工平均年龄很低,高强度的工作量注定这是一所公关界的富士康,也是应届生的黄埔军校。”对BFD的剖析真是一如利刃刀刀削脸啊艹(有多疼,请看《Happy Tree Friends》“without a hitch”那集)。当初一定是脑子进翔…查看全文>>展开全文 原微博
I love England!!English people please dont hate me for being such forgetful and stupid! I have sent the coach two postcards and I hope he'll receive my sincere apologize…please dont let this be"it's too late to apologize" arh~~my dream of marrying an English is shattering…展开全文