快男要大电影,外国名字还挺赶潮流:No Zuo No Die. 主演主演华晨宇、白举纲、宁桓宇、于湉、张阳阳、饶威、左立、贾盛强、于朦胧、居来提你们都熟。你是支持呢,还是支持呢? First Trailer for Chinese 'Superboy039; Film 'No Zou No Die039; Released 🔗 网页链接展开全文
Ge You will be back to the New Year movie season as a love-hungry man keen on climbing the social ladder. @冯小刚 新作#私人订制#爆主演#葛优#特辑。🔗 网页链接 咳咳。。下面有请葛老私来示范一下神马叫土豪。。金。。 @电影私人订制官博@华谊兄弟电影展开全文
Pianist Lang Lang was invited by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to speak at the one-year anniversary meeting of the UN Global Education First Initiative, held on Wednesday in the UN headquarters in New York. 🔗 网页链接展开全文
Hong Kong has always been a good place for star-chasers, and these days, you may bump into Brangelina. 在香港街头撞见明星不足为奇。那如果撞见皮特和朱莉呢?他俩这几天带着5岁龙凤胎Vivienne和Knox在香港度假。更多请见:🔗 网页链接 P.S. Vivienne似乎一直在sucking her thumb呀?展开全文
张艺谋加入@乐视影业 后首部@电影归来 在北京开机,张艺谋红装亮相。张艺谋,陈道明,巩俐。这些名字叠在一起,再加上《陆犯焉识》这部原著,小编挺看好这部电影的。你呢?#in one sentence# Zhang Yimou has begun shooting a new film starring Gong Li and Chen Daoming. 🔗 网页链接展开全文
《速度与激情6》唯一中国演员,英语仅学11个月便能坦然接受“英闻天下”记者专访。一刀未剪的视频新鲜出炉!欢迎点击视频了解一个谦虚、美丽的才女黎妍!Sarah Li on Her Role in "Fast and Furious 6" 🔗 网页链接 @黎妍游学日记@吴征bruno@杨澜@半根儿香烟🔗 网页链接 展开全文
汤唯,姚晨,袁泉等不记片酬出演许鞍华导演的《黄金时代》。Following Tang Wei, actresses Yao Chen and Yuan Quan have joined the cast of Ann Hui's "The Golden Age". 🔗 网页链接 @覃宏@姚晨展开全文 原微博