看看这是什么@两弹一星黄仁勋 @CA_-_一眼瞬间 @SSer-Joey 原微博 Baker_St
转发微博 原微博 Baker_St
看看这些!听说你们感兴趣!@Chris-GuoSY @Fiver_cupcake @Fiver-帅到没话说的大叔 原微博 Baker_St
#深夜报复社会# @两弹一星黄仁勋 @Chris-GuoSY 原微博 Baker_St
云什么的〜@-JessicaChiu @Fiver_嘉子说艺子是只大暖包 @Chris-GuoSY 原微博 Baker_St
[哈哈][哈哈][哈哈] 原微博 Baker_St
毁三观?@Cas_GM-5S4 @Fiver_嘉子说艺子是只大暖包 @Chris-GuoSY 原微博 Baker_St
"兄弟你怎么了!?"我失恋了……""不要怕,我们来黑Taylor Swift吧……"@Chris-GuoSY 原微博 Baker_St
For a couple days, (someone) dated jianxiaofei, she kicked him to the kerve and cross him of the list… she said she want him to help her dated liujiawei and I guess him kind of did~@Fiver_嘉子是个没用的神经病 @Chris-GuoSY 展开全文原微博 Baker_St
For a couple days, (someone) dated jianxiaofei, she kicked him to the kerve and cross him of the list… she said she want him to help her dated liujiawei and I guess him kind of did~@Fiver_嘉子是个没用的神经病 @Chris-GuoSY 展开全文原微博 Baker_St
@cj_天长地久-的味道 @Chris-GuoSY 原微博