One of the most sinister Disney villains has just become one of my favorite villains! Ha thanks to #Maleficent# the movie, and #AngelinaJolie# for such acting of epic proportion! 具有深遠人性化教育意義且畫面特效+一流演技的稀有童話電影!推薦! 展开全文原微博 Ash卢信宥
And so, MH370 crashed into the deep of South Indian Ocean? No one's alive... 為馬航南印度洋默哀。。無人生還。。儘管,事因仍未解。。yet, the cause remains a mystery... #mh370 展开全文原微博 Ash卢信宥
Ash says: good night er'one!好久沒來,差點就忘了手機還有這app~送上晚安給大家,希望大家一切美好~上天會眷顧好人噢trusT that good ones will be rewarded. Bless ya. 晚安 原微博 Ash卢信宥
噢!我又出現了!finally!我決定以後又要多回來了!消失了一段時間,是時候又"衝出江湖"了!中國現在好像是暑假,大家都去哪裡玩呢說說看?這美吧?自然沒加效果噢 #nofilter #summerbreak 原微博 Ash卢信宥
=12/09/2012= 寒冷的冬天!!!戴上手套出來露個臉吧。。。要聖誕節了 原微博