Follow your dream,quit your job,drop out of school,tell your boyfriend that he's lousy and walk out the door.This is your time,this is your life.Dream as big as you want to.It's the cheapest thing you'll ever do.Wake up tomorrow and live your fucking dreams no matter what.--JL展开全文
OK 找到了 红酒烩鸡Kokowääh 2011德国年度票房冠军 SEXY MAN Til Schweiger和他的萌女儿一起演 小萝莉和大叔的萌故事 放着这周回学校看 水爆的一诊完了该适当relax了~~补课时候high起来 @MarcMoku@deaddeardeer皮贾丘@AkeTur@薇哥一路向北 !!!展开全文