The Dordogne is France's third largest department and as well as numerous picturesque villages, it also boasts an incredible4000 chateaux10% of all the chateaux in France.Many people, including many expatriates feel that the Dordogne is one of the most beautiful regions of France 展开全文原微博 AppleWineBordeaux
11月6日晚【法国红鼻子】专场品酒会-上海站,圆满举办! 原微博 AppleWineBordeaux
产自波尔多两海之间「LA VIE en ROSE玫瑰人生」_桃红葡萄酒! 原微博 AppleWineBordeaux
送你一颗聚满礼物的圣诞树,顶上最大最亮的那颗星是天使之心,下面挂的是幸运之星,制造材料是我一颗祝福之心:圣诞快乐! 愿摘下彩色的花,璀璨的星,扣上思念,许下祝福 ... 原微博