8th March is International Women's day!So here comes the special theme of tomorrow‘s regular meeting:Oh,My Lady! TM Steven will lead another journey,co-working with TM Qiang .Robin L is ready for CC2《wedding》,and Lisa G 《being a lady》. Happy festival for all ladies! 展开全文原微博 AmazingAfternoonToastmasters
随机即兴点评比赛,更是精彩纷呈。尊敬的Mr.potato Liu Tony 技惊四座问鼎冠军;Lu Robin条分缕析点评到位,荣获亚军;Sharp Girl Ann同学一贯舌灿莲花hold住季军。Zhang Robin和Elva在台上略显紧张,但比上次见解深刻进步神速。speech day是比赛,但更是相互学习的机会和深入沟通的捷径! 展开全文原微博