今年春天喜欢上了日本传统音乐,犯困提神时听,烦躁静心时也听。等待下一档直播的间隙,就着耳机里的太鼓和三味线,翻翻谷崎润一郎,觉得这个阴冷的早晨也不算讨人厌了。 分享Ensemble Nipponia的单曲 《Musume Dojoji (the Maiden At The Dojo Temple》(来自@豆瓣FM - #修行#) 🔗 网页链接展开全文
#Word of the Day# 【乳制品】diary product;【奶粉】milk powder;【婴幼儿配方】baby formula;【毒素】toxin;【被污染的】contaminated;【进口的】imported;【质检机构】quality watchdog;【召回】recall;【下架】off shelves展开全文
#Word of the Day# 【香港小姐】Miss Hong Kong;【选美】beauty pageant;【选手】contestant;【写真】photo shoot;【背心上衣】tank top;【露脐上衣】crop top;【紧身的】tight-fitting;【身材】figure;【小蛮腰】slim waist;【赢得桂冠】win the crown展开全文
#Word of the Day# 【黑客】hacker; 【知名的】famed;【验尸】autopsy;【安全漏洞】security holes;【缺陷】bugs / vulnerabilities; 【植入器官】implanted organ;【恶意的】malicious;【被利用】 be exploited展开全文
“I love you so much but I’ll never be that kind of women who stays silent and pretty in their husband’s arms or remote and alone in the kitchen. One’s life must matter. Beyond all the cooking and the cleaning and the children."——《Iron Lady》展开全文