任何人,只要创造了一点新的什么,就可以被称为起步者。 Anyone who starts anything new is a starter. 这是@彭萦 创立的网站 “起步者十二问”@迈克NG 共勉! 原微博 7imCheung
@快乐o_O笨猪 这就是你说的法网狙击第一小节?!@俐俪 CC火到香港了。 //@Sandy-我是我: 什么片子? 原微博 7imCheung
In Ancient China, members of the school of legalism during the 3rd century BC argued for using law as a tool of governance, but they promoted "rule by law" as opposed to "rule of law", meaning that they placed the aristocrats and emperor above the law.(fm wiki) 展开全文原微博