左边一个吃面包喝营养快线,右边一个吃我最喜欢的油茶…我真的嘿饿,你两个背时的!!@李做作要去搞个蓝头发 @没得名字好点 !!!!! 原微博 6_珈颖_是谁
萌死我老~喵了个咪//@WEI--HUAN: 咪啊咪 哈哈哈//@夜店里那点事: 可爱死了~~~推荐关注@拍照小技巧 原微博 6_珈颖要好坚强
“I remember tears streaming down your face,When I said I'll never let you go.I remember, you said "Don't leave me here alone.."But all that's gone and dead and past, tonight;You'll be alright,No one can hurt you now.Come morning light,You and I'll be safe and sound.” 很回味 展开全文原微博