[呵呵]珍素淋逼都不想吸的一群傻屌噜好像换头像是你家发明的老子就喜欢换了我就唯了我们就是跟风了我就抄袭了告我侵权啊我没有cite你的大名没给你reference到位啊credit砸你一脸要不要啊下面还写designed by an unprecedented imbecile who strives to defend his or her non-existent copyright靴靴展开全文 原微博
想着觉得一点也不值其实就是一点也不值想多了就是一种毛病所以还是安心的地睡觉吧管这玩意儿要怎么样今天中午又是自己大显身手厨艺拔高的时候了真是期待呢好的那么就睡了好希望现在就是九月can not keep awaiting the union of those bitches devoid of festival fuck晚安嘟嘟嘟展开全文 原微博
No lyrics should exist in Atlas song for the lyrics' inability to convey the notions and connotations. Melody(not the malady mentioned in the movie), however, is completely capable of providing people with an aroma free from the shackles of restraint thoughts展开全文 原微博