过左过右都不好,先不要搞形式主义吧! 【改会风,先从批评开始】长久以来,一些干部习惯于只有表扬没有批评,习惯于自我肯定相互捧场,习惯于假意恭维上下讨好。出了问题百般推脱,遮掩矫饰。批评肯定让人不舒服,可能会得罪人,但批评能够促进工作、推进成长。领导,担当的是大任,就应该经得起批评、容得下质疑。(人民日报) 转发 1评论 0 原微博 黄杨葭lindyjiajia
If I stay in my comfort zone for too long,I will feel uncomfortable because I need to see myself in the upward spiral .I'm glad I've never been afraid of changing ,in fact I'm embracing it.Jump out of your comfort zone into the stretch zone ,a whole new world is awaiting ! 展开全文原微博 黄杨葭lindyjiajia
食人族在托福阅读中提到过,OG里的Fore people有这个习俗:)The local tradition of ritual cannibalism of their dead once had led to an epidemic causing hundreds of thousands people died 展开全文原微博 黄杨葭lindyjiajia
喜欢充满生命力的水景散发出的清新气息,感叹不规则的充满设计感和现代感中夹杂着复古范儿带来的惊喜--东直门当代Moma 原微博