无令见魔,自作沈孽。保绥哀救,销息邪缘。 Do not let the demons of views cause them to create their own grave offenses and fall. Protect, comfort, and compassionately rescue them and dispel evil conditions.展开全文 原微博
无择遍知,生胜解者,是人则堕,知无知执。If he considers this idea of unrestricted, universal awareness to be supreme, he will fall into the error of maintaining that what is not aware has awareness.展开全文 原微博
诸世间性,幽清扰动,同分生机,绦然隳裂。the subtle, fleeting fluctuations - the deep, imperceptible, pivotal source and the common foundation from which all life in the world springs - are suddenly obliterated.展开全文 原微博
此名定境,安顺入心,无慧自持,误入诸欲。 This is called 'when an agreeable state of samadhi enters one's mind, lacking the wisdom to control oneself and mistakenly engaging in lustful behavior.'展开全文 原微博
此名轻安,无慧自禁,悟则无咎,非为圣证。This is called, 'experiencing lightness and ease, but lacking the wisdom to control it.' If he understands, then there is no error. This experience does not indicate sagehood.展开全文 原微博
心触客邪,而不能动,此则名为,受阴区宇。 and yet his mind has come under a deviant influence, so that he is unable to move. This is the region of the feeling skandha.展开全文 原微博
魔境现前,汝不能识,洗心非正,落于邪见。If you cannot recognize a demonic state when it appears, it is because the cleansing of your mind has not been proper. You will then be engulfed by deviant views.展开全文 原微博
彼咎徵者,酬足复形,生人道中,参合异类。 When creatures that are inauspicious have paid back their debts, they regain their original form and are born as people, but among those who are abnormal.展开全文 原微博
如是邪思,结思则能,为方、为所;结见则能,为鉴为证;When this deviant thought combines with thinking, it becomes locations and places. When it combines with seeing, it becomes inspection and testimonies.展开全文 原微博
阿难,诸爱虽别,流结是同,润湿不升,自然从坠,此名内分。Ananda, although the kinds of love differ, their flow and oppression is the same. With this moisture, one cannot ascend, but will naturally fall. This is called the 'internal aspect.'展开全文 原微博
何况决定菩提心者。此诸金刚菩萨藏王,精心阴速发彼神识Therefore, good men, that is even more true for those who are decisively resolved upon Bodhi. All the Vajra Treasury-King Bodhisattvas will regard them attentively and secretly hasten the opening of their spiritual consciousness展开全文 原微博
Having attained such profound instruction, they contemplated the Buddha's Bodhi and Parinirvana like someone who, having traveled far on business, knows that he is on the road home, though he has not returned completely.展开全文
宁唯世尊,十方如来,叹我神力,圆明清净,自在无畏。Not only the World Honored One, but the Thus Come Ones of the ten directions praise my spiritual powers as perfectly clear and pure, masterful, and fearless.展开全文 原微博
则汝现前,眼、耳、鼻、舌,及与身、心,六为贼媒,自劫家宝。But now your visible eyes, ears, nose and tongue, as well as your body and mind, are like six thieving matchmakers who plunder the jewels of your household.展开全文