同意,各自重新生活,挺好的。//@乐活小姐J: @小猴多多 说,每个成功的三,其实都是努力生活的女人。大奶不承认这点的话,就永远不会有下一个幸福。说句打脸的话,我还蛮同意的。。。//@miumiu人鱼: ........谁能透露下这样一版广告要花多少钱
All the pains fade away with only gratitude and happiness still remain fresh. Wish the bond between you and me will grow even stronger as we step on the journey in front of us. Enjoy your days under my wings and please, never go too far away.
两个月不到已经奶结了4次了,怎么以前没人告诉我喂奶是这么操蛋的事情啊。不幸中的万幸是每次靠偏方都最终化险为夷了。面团卷心菜土豆要进家中常用药箱了 感觉对我来说还是面团最有效,于是万分羡慕北方的妈妈,家里随时都能搞出一团面来救急。下次千万別再半夜结了