就算在某天风急花飞再一篇 你我仍然甘于应战。Ruco Chan X Edwin Siu. 原微博 雅莉莲梦露
We always struggle with what we HAD and ignore the wonderful view around us.Eventually we mess up everything.Sometimes to light up a candle doesn't mean I feel frustrated,maybe I just need some light to illuminate my future. 展开全文原微博 雅莉莲梦露
多谢男神回复 简直给予我无限动力啊!@劉威煌 原微博 雅莉莲梦露
晚安 我訓喇哈哈哈~(明天早上再發個早安貼什麽的 調整生物鐘大行動正式開始!!!!!!! 原微博