“In a typical year the OpenSSL project receives about US$2000 in donations. This week we have received roughly 200 donations totaling nearly US$3000. Amounts have ranged between $0.02 and $300.” what….
round 10 months work on OpenSSL, for OpenSSL my conclusion is actually OpenSSL is developed by unreasonable team too....
Thank you, Lotus! But you should live up to your name! Keep pushing! Don't let us down! GL! //@改名的wuzaozao: 不管今年成绩如何,真的,感谢Lotus!把Kimi重新带回了F1!
→_→//@陈晓鸣在百度: →_→//@王川: →_→ //@假装在纽约: //@梦晨伤: →_→//@今日最佳贴: →_→//@神右君: →_→//@微报纸: → → //@陆小鸟: → → //@刘原: 最右。//@武汉凝眸: 最右。//@陈陈陈陈: //@钢铁侠: 最右→_→ //@大藏布: 绝配!//@鞠州: 我们学完历史,也不知道还有一个蒋在领导抗日啊!