~Ꮗℐℒⅅ & ℰXᎾᏆℐℂ~ThxXxx lots to Bulgari~謝謝寶格麗的包~美~~~~從沒有停止瘋狂愛~~~~~~ ~ᏢᎾᎾᏝᏕᎨᎠᎬ ᎶᏝᎯᎷᎾᏬᏒ~ 水手渡假風 Sail stylishly !~*⛵️⚓️ 《Dark Places》also a mystery novel by Gillian Flynn現代驚悚小說~ About a girl who is the only surviving witness of a horrific massacre that took her mother and sisters......Also being made into a movie, Charlize Theron produces and star as Libby~ 展开全文 《愛,讓孩子做自己》 「培育子女沒有最好的,只有最合適的方法」 「父母要懂得放手,不要過度保護孩子。父母要支持孩子面對挑戰,放手讓孩子多嘗試,鼓勵孩子自己思考,尋找解決方案。如此,孩子才能在未來競爭激烈的環境中,擁有真正的生存力」 2014/5/28蘋果日報-「女人30」專題報導~好書介紹:《Design Masterclass》&《Contemporary Design》 《ƬHᗩƬ ƬHƖᑎG ƳOᑌ ᗪO‼️》 One of my Allllll time favorite movies..and of course songs toooo..watched it almos 🔗 网页链接 Finally saw this movie「Blue Jasmine」~One of the most exhilarating performances from last year 2013 by Cat 🔗 网页链接 Just posted a video with Instagram 🔗 网页链接 法國-尼斯~南法Eze小鎮💐..蔚藍的白天與浪漫的夜景都融化了我的心❤️..在鎮上還遇見一隻好可愛的小約,圓滾滾的眼睛,好像我的狗兒子Donut🐶~還有caviar vs. ikura, 每每都在挑戰我的味蕾[饞嘴]~ So here comes Italy、Nice then onto Monaco....sooo amazing! #nice # france #italy # monaco #montecarlo 🔗 网页链接 泰國-喀比/甲米島~Day 2~Hong Island & Krabi town 夜市.. 人會哭不是因為軟弱..而是因為堅強太久了~ People cry not because they're weak..it's because they've been strong for too long..I love crying in the rain~ 昨晚Andre Rieu Andre音樂會~ 🎈🎈🎈 穿過舞鞋的腳..不太美..但有著釋放自由靈魂的足跡~曾經敢愛敢恨、享受瘋狂、遍體鱗傷..不曾後悔遺憾,因為我付出過、選擇過、經歷過~ *~ᒪƖFƐ Ɩᔕ ƬOO ᔕℎOᖇƬ ƬO ᗷƐ ᒪƖᐯƖᑎG ᗯƖƬℎ ᖇƐGᖇƐƬᔕ~* 家和家人永遠第一,family always comes first~💫🐘✨ Peace🙏 🔗 网页链接 ....The way you look at me....I have everything from this world~* 🔗 网页链接 ....The way you look at me....I have everything from this world~* 🔗 网页链接