//@Fenix望: @美国驻华大使馆 this one?//@zhizhicui: Ur reply is funny! Marbury, maybe u can try to contact US Embassy in China... //@呵呵一男儿: Please Call LiJun Wang who got the relationship with US government展开全文
We are trapped on the bus @CBA. I can't believe we can't get out of the park in lot. People are throwing bricks and anything else they can pick up. Is there any way you guys can call someone so we can get out. This is very embarrassing.转发 1评论 0
美军撤离,伊拉克带路党面临清算。纽约时报报道,萨德的民兵将会对美国弃儿们实施报复,而美国并为撤走这些人。The Iraqis who remained loyal to us are weeks away from learning how little America’s word means. 意思是几个星期后,这些忠于美国的伊拉克人,就会发现美国是说话不算数的。转发 1评论 0