🔗 网页链接 radio jack噶在笑声集。这个…这个…啊哈哈哈哈哈哈哈嗯哼哼哼哼哼哼额呵呵呵啊哈哈哈哈哈哈哈ufufufuffufufufu………十分多钟笑到后面真心不行了捶地!啊5:15葵花那段实在是!!XDDD然后小鬼太萌了句句都太萌了!啊这两天听广播(subbed)简直每天笑到趴(大葵花太牙白了总想踹他!展开全文
twi/repo:①Ruki grabbed Reita's crotch ②Aoi kissed Ruki lightly on the cheek.③Only Reita wore the Disney raglan.④Aoi really has a tattoo on his shoulder!!⑤那个事故好像是舞台烟火有俩炸了但没啥事(这个好多段子XD“stage is sparkling”"It were 15minutes and we...blew up the stage展开全文 原微博
[A kaleidoscope of color, fabulous hairdos, an original show, powerful hooks of glam-metal of the 80's, mixed with alternative sounds of the 2000's, passed through the color of Japanese melodics ]好词儿w(cr:🔗 网页链接展开全文 原微博
#RUKI# 被提名The Shorty Awards(an awards event that honors top short-form content creators on twi)看那个候选名单啊哈哈哈松本君你在里面啊哈哈哈下面有JB啊哈哈哈哈然后他大概以为这是个颁给矮子的奖,号召霓虹金stop这个外国毛提名,知道不是之后说不管是什么都很乐意得第一啊哈哈哈哈(图:汤展开全文