纪录片Stand-Up student,短小精悍地记录了英国单口相声演员的成长之路。想在英国干这行,真是极具挑战的事业,因为台下没几个省油的灯!纪录片里喜剧小男生首次登台,问前排一位观众:“你觉得我的胡子怎么样?”台下中年大叔轻抚他的脸颊说:“That could irritate my legs!"展开全文
一本适合旅行时读的老书,随手拈来,一路莞尔。"In fact, most of the suspicion the English have of foreigners is due to an inability to understand their sense of humor leading to the assumption that they do not have one."哈哈!展开全文
@frankieboyle: Edinburgh has the world's biggest comedy festival. Because English comedians seem funniest when your smack is fighting your retroviral meds.展开全文 原微博