以华盛顿为首的先贤们,包括James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, John Marshall......, 高瞻远瞩,以身作则,为了共和国的长治久安,制定了一部真正“一统天下”的大法。他们岂止是谦谦君子!他们是英英君子,德德君子,伟伟君子!他们是真正的君子!展开全文 原微博
However, I can guarantee you that an order of the world as such may not take place in another 50 years, not until the Communists are out of the way; not until billions of the Chinese understand values of the West; and not until Bank of China retains a CEO from the Western world!展开全文 原微博
I vision a world, where the West will truly meet the East on an equal footing, where the U.S., leading the West with its democracy, economy and civility, respects and holds the Chinese, leading the East with its culture, power, and tradition, hand in hand and back to back!展开全文 原微博
"If Anglo-Saxon civilization stands for anything, it is for a government where the humbles t citizen is safeguarded against the secret activities of the executive of the government," said Congressman J. Swagar Sherley, Kentucky, (1871-1941), in opposition to federal police force.展开全文 原微博