听力练习——DHC7E14 1/1We may think we've left the past behind. But it has a way of catching up to us. Though we want to run away, we are forced to confront our past and the secret that is buried must come into the light.展开全文 原微博
听力练习DH——C4E6 1/2 It happens the second sunday of every May. We celebrate the women who give us life and so much more, the ones who protect us at all costs, who have the courage to fight those who would do us harm, who put our happiness ahead of their own.展开全文 原微博
听力练习——绝望的主妇C3E9 2/2Once their agendas revealed, we can take steps to protect ourselves and those we love.Yes, dangerous men can cause great harm. But sometimes the greatest danger they pose is to themselves.展开全文 原微博
Competition it means different things to different people. But whether it's a friendly rivalry or a fight to the death, the end result is the same. There will be winners and there will be losers of cz the trick is to know which battle to fight. No victory comes without a price.展开全文 原微博