I am sorry Gary. The African American and Native American "little guys" had no equal rights until a few decades ago. Your "foundation of American legal system" doesn't sound that solid... 展开全文骆家辉大使昨天在中国人民大学发表演讲时说,“小人物”的权利是美国法律体系的真正基础。The rights of the “little guy” are at the very foundation of the American legal system. 转发 1评论 0 原微博 艾伦宗
广岛,一座带着疮疤的城市.在迫使日本投降的四套方案中,美国政客为了抑制苏联势力渗透和获得武器开发经费,最终选用了核弹袭击广岛.14万条鲜活的生命遇难,绝大多是与战争无关的平民.遇袭当日,普通人经历的种种惨象,无数生离死别,惨不忍睹.中日关系敏感时期访问这座城市,更深感战争的可怕,和平的来之不易. 展开全文原微博