#美亚潮英语#-Movie Hours 《华尔街:金钱永不眠Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps》Gordon Gekko: The one thing I learned in jail is that money is not the prime asset in life. Time is.展开全文
#美亚潮英语#-Movie Hours-风雨哈佛路 (Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story):I knew at that moment I had to make a choice. I could submit to everything that was happening and live a life of excuses... or I could push myself. I could push myself and make my life good.展开全文
#美亚潮英语#-Movie Hours-《疯狂原始人 The Croods》:Don't hide, don't be afraid of the dark,follow the lights,then you can find tomorrow!不要躲避,不要害怕黑暗,向着太阳,你就能找到明天!展开全文
#各种第一# the first lady第一夫人,first class头等舱,first aid kit急救箱,first half上半场比赛,first language母语,the first person第一人称,first-rate一流的,at first glance第一眼看过去,in the first place一开始,first come, first served先到先得展开全文 原微博
#美亚潮英语#-常用短信缩写:OIC- Oh I see;BRB - Be right back ;ASAP - As soon as possible ;BTW - By the way;TTYL - Talk to you later ;Plz - Please ;Thx - Thanks ;Cya - See you ;L8r - Later ;2morro - Tomorrow ; U - You ; R - Are ; B4 - Before展开全文
#美亚潮英语#摄影师Jan von Holleben拍摄的《Dreams of Flying Revisited》。它布景就设计在床及地板上,照相机则垂直于床、位于床上方拍摄,从而将床上布景构成为一组平面照片。这个不同寻常的视角和各种梦中的场景成就了这组图片的观赏和艺术性,成功打造了一个梦中的世界展开全文
#美亚课表#3月27日课表:P1-I2剩(4)14点;B2剩(3)18点;P2-I10剩(3)18点;HB12剩余(1)20点;p3-L3剩(2)18点;HB3剩(2)19点;S1-Tutoring Class BS7剩余(8)11点;IBS8剩余(9)15点;LS13剩(7)16点;LS18剩(2)20点;微博订课:学号+英文名+级别+课名+日期时间展开全文
#美亚课表#1月16日课表:P1-I8剩(2)19点;B5剩(3)20点;P2-IB10剩(2)14点;P3-HB4剩(2)18点;B11剩(3)19点;S1-Tutoring Class BS9剩(7)11点;BS 13剩(8)15点;HBS 25剩(4)18点;P5-IS22剩(3)20点;展开全文