分享圖片 @Ms桑妮 @爱HH2007 @败家小拧 ,刚刚在理照片,翻出来三清山上拍的一些风景,赞吧~不过那时候还是小D自动挡阶段,赶脚有些拍的很烂,不过这样子,拍出来的风景也还是不错滴~ 原微博 罗密小欧欧
《J. Edgar》 First time, I saw the gay movie about Leo. Unbelievable!!! It is about how FBI was established. Two lines are in this film. But like a lot of fail movies, the director was only focus on his own world, not thinking about only how the audience would feel about! 展开全文原微博