真正的佛弟子,并不是念珠、佛像等佛教用品的收藏家和鉴定家,不是各大寺庙景点的旅行家,不是佛经念诵者,禅修爱好者,佛教史、经论、佛像、佛塔等研究者,素食小资主义者,俗世慈善家…而是心相续训练者,因果敬畏者,轮回厌离者,菩提心践行者,万缘放下自在者,无我空性修证者。——明空法师 原微博 竹老师
陈陈小朋友发烧,我也发烧了。不过她可以把药打翻,说:”我不要,我不要” 原微博 竹老师
Do you think because I’m poor ,obscure and plain that I’m soulless and heartless? I have as much soul as you and fully as much heart. And if God had gifted me with wealth and beauty, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me as it is now for me to leave you. 展开全文原微博