Bonnie wants Jeremy back_Eljhy wants Katherine to be with him.All of them have desires,that's why they will do some evil things.So,the words Klaus said was right——"Don't underestimate the allure of darkness,even the purest hearts are drawn to it. "展开全文
Eelena wants painless_Katherine wants freedom_Stefan wants Eelena back to human_Damon wants Eelena's love_Reberka wants to be human and live a normal life_Klaus desperates love and doesn't want to be alone_Caroline wants Klaus to set Tyler free_Slias wants reunite with his love展开全文 转发 1评论 0
Eelena wants painless_Katherine wants freedom_Stefan wants Eelena back to human_Damon wants Eelena's love_Reberka wants to be human and live a normal life_Klaus desperates love and doesn't want to be alone_Caroline wants Klaus to set Tyler free_Slias wants reunite with his love展开全文 原微博
so here I'm in my new apartment in a big city,they just dropped me off.It's so much colder that I thought it would I tuck myself in and turn the night light on.oh I don't wanna grow up,wish never grow up,I could be little.——taylor swift-never grow up展开全文 原微博