@薯鼠 @maxkeiko @RadioMe龟龟女王_7980追梦屋 @cloud617 悦容庄已订位,周日晚六点前到, @SaintSaiya强强 join么? 原微博 睡不醒的胖纸
@RadioMe龟龟女王_7980追梦屋 //@没钢牙的小白兔: 擦,那我养你干嘛?不让抱就算了,摸都不让摸[泪] //@南都周刊: 所以每当喵星人被抚摸时发出的呼噜噜的声音是在抗议:停止你愚蠢的行为吧人类!? 原微博 睡不醒的胖纸
#2013开心大连放暑假#据说很著名的双层旋转木马@RadioMe龟龟女王_7980追梦屋 @c loud617@maxkeiko @薯鼠 @79号80后追梦小屋 原微博 睡不醒的胖纸
@eerrblog 念给eddie 让他同传 As I was watching A's presentation talking about some of the things that B said years ago about the business and things that you have said or thought about the business that have come true and that the business has even surpassed some of those sorts of things.(念一次都很要命…) 转发 1评论 0 原微博