【英语中的各类人群】工作狂:workaholic,月光族:moonlight group,电灯泡:third wheel,菜鸟:newbie,夜猫子:night owl,路痴:somebody has no sense of direction,宅男宅女:homebody,时尚的潮人:trend setter,跑腿打杂的人:go-for,年度人物:man of the year,背包客:backpacker 转展开全文
【千里之行,始于足下】 增高鞋elevator shoe;鞋垫insole;增高鞋垫shoe lift;鞋底sole;鞋跟heel;鞋带shoelace ;绑鞋带tie one's shoelaces;解开鞋带 untie one's shoelaces;鞋带松了shoelace is untied;穿鞋 put on one's shoes;脱鞋take off one ' s shoes;鞋很合脚 fit one's feet (转)展开全文
【老外的口头禅】1.You bet. 一点也没错。2.Kind of. 是有那么一点。3.That's OK. 不用了。4.Go out on a limb. 冒险。5.Same here. 我也是。6. It's still up in the air. 不确定。6.Just checking. 只是随口问问。7.The thing is.重点是。8. fix up/hook up 撮合某人。(转)展开全文
【英语中的各类人群】工作狂:workaholic,月光族:moonlight group,电灯泡:third wheel,菜鸟:newbie,夜猫子:night owl,路痴:somebody has no sense of direction,宅男宅女:homebody,时尚的潮人:trend setter,跑腿打杂的人:go-for,年度人物:man of the year, 背包客:backpacker 转展开全文
【关于爱情】puppy love 早恋;first love 初恋;fall in love at first sight 一见钟情;the chemical feeling 触电;cute meet 浪漫的邂逅;true love 真爱;courtship 求爱;propose 求婚;a doomed couple 天生一对;pledge / vow 誓言;candlelight dinner 烛光晚餐 ❤ @狂人记单词English展开全文
【中国谚语】1. 新官上任三把火。A new broom sweeps clean. 2.谋事在人,成事在天。Man proposes, God disposes. 3.智者千虑,必有一失。Homer sometimes nods. 4.居安思危。In peace prepare for war. 5.深藏不露。Still water runs deep. 6.五十步笑百步。The pot calls the kettle black.展开全文
【美剧里必说的英文短语】Make it up.不计前嫌/Don't play possum.别装蒜!/Don't over do it.别太过分了./You want a bet?想打赌吗?/Who wants?谁稀罕?/Follow my nose.凭直觉/Cheap skate.小气鬼!/Many people,many tastes.各有所好。展开全文
【How are you 的最in回答!】只说fine,3Q你就out啦!1. I feel terrible. 感觉糟透了 2. Fair to middling. 还过得去 3. Right as rain. 一切顺利 4. I feel like a million bucks! 感觉棒极了!5. Better than ever. 好得不能再好了 6. So-so. 一般般 7. Can't complain. 没啥好抱怨的展开全文
【口语短句】Let's make a pinky swear. 我们拉钩发誓。| Now you're talking. 这话说到点子上了。| I'm gaining weight. 我长胖了。 | Do you know that guy by any chance? 你认识那个人么?| Finally he popped the question. 他终于求婚了。| Bring it on. 放马过来吧。展开全文
【常见短信网聊缩写23】T-T或T.T=crying;T2M=talk to me;TBC=to be continued 未完待续;TBH=to be honest 坦白的说;TC=take care 保重;TDG=Too Damn Good 太棒了/太TM好了;TEE=T-shirt T恤;TG=Thank God;THANQ=thank you;THNX=THX=thanks;TM=Text Message 短信/Text Me 给我发短信展开全文
【当别人不耐烦时,你应该这样说】1)Take it easy.别着急2)Just calm down.冷静点3)Be more patient. 要耐心4)Take your time.慢慢来5)All in good time.不要太着急了6)No rush慢慢来7)There's a time for everything.事情要一件一件地做。8)keep Calm,Don't lose your temper. 淡定,别发火。展开全文
【高级口语表达)】1.Give me a little credit ! 对我有点信心! 2.Ring a bell ? = Does it/that ring a bell ? 耳熟吗?想起来了吗? 3.No funny stuff.不要耍花招! 4.No clue.= Beats me.= Dunno.不清楚。5.You almost had me fooled. 差点被你耍了。6.What a buzz-kill that was! 真扫兴!展开全文