【新鲜出炉的2015年英国大学排名】The Complete University Guide公布了最新英国大学排名,主要评估了入学标准,科研水平还有小伙伴们最关心的“满意度”和“毕业前景”UVIC小编在此整理了最新综合排名和部分热门专业排名——商科、经济、计算机、土木。。。有任何申请问题都可以直接砸到评论中哦!展开全文
Sometimes I just hold you too caught up in me to see I'm holding a fortune that heaven has given to me.I'll try to show you each and every way I can now and forever I will be your man.I won‘t be alone anymore if I'd only known you were there all the time all this time.展开全文
#徐彬音乐世界#Richard Marx -《Ballads》专辑中的一首《Now And Forever》! 🔗 网页链接 ~每当脑海中纷乱情绪的斗争让我疲倦~当我的心智悬于一线时你了解我的疯狂~我迷失自己 但你仍然理解我~Now and forever现在和永远~I will be your man我将是你的男人~展开全文
Perhaps I knew him long ago. I wrote him poems at nine years old.But then I become a woman.The letter slipped right through my hands.I stand upon a broken stage.I beg you darling, please wait.To believe in a dream. I learned the depths of love but never did learn how to wait.展开全文
When the fire to ice will run.When the tide no longer turns.When the rocks melt with the sun.My love for you will have just begun.If they could part the sand from the sea.They never could part my love from meAnd when I’m asleep I’m dreaming of.My one, my dear, my own true love.展开全文
Let the day Just fade away So the dark night may watch over you. Velvet, blue. Silent, true. It embraces your heart and soul.Never cry never sigh.Come and dream the night with me.Like a child asleep.So warm, so deep.You will find me there waiting for you.We will fly claim the sky展开全文
这种劲爆狂歌,就是把心撕碎了,然而一点不痛,只觉得很爽极爽。碎了心也可能舞蹈,仿佛淋着大雨疾风中奔跑,最后脸上分不清是雨水还是泪水。I’m so lonely, broken angel.I’m so lonely, listen to my heart.One n’ only, broken angel.Come n’ save me, before I fall apart.@婳弧: 展开全文
The night is more coloured than the day. Looking up at the night sky and seeing the star was like opening up a strange map, seeing all those black dots representing faraway places and towns. To reach the stars, you had to die. To die quietly of old age would be go there, by foot展开全文
回复@詩人凌谷: 今天作业压力有点大,不过,会努力都背下来。平时整顿别人,现在被整顿了。 //@詩人凌谷: C'est l'heure du déjeuner. Prendre l'air.--It's lunch time. Take a walk outside. Je suis végétalien et j'essaie frugivorisme. --I'm veg and trying fruitarianism.展开全文