Mr 习 faces an impossible dilemma: to survive, the pa rty needs to reform; but ref orm itself may be the biggest danger. Perhaps he will see more fundamental pol iti cal change as the solution. But then pigs will no longer rot in rivers. They will fly. (The Economist) @公子禅策展开全文
763年吐蕃军进入唐朝长安,大肆奸杀劫掠,焚烧房屋。唐朝禁军溃散在民间的士卒,也出来参加吐蕃军的奸杀劫掠行动,官民惶恐逃难,躲到秦岭山谷穴洞(柏杨版资治通鉴)【熊评】想起电影《黑暗骑士》 韦恩问为什么有人做出不可理喻的事时,阿尔弗雷德说:Some men just want to watch this world burn.展开全文