所以法国很多富豪移民了;有法国富人朋友在法国装着穷小子。美国99%的财富掌握在1%的人手上(这就是为什么人们长期Occupy Wall-street) ,失业率也居高不下。这两年我去了英国、加拿大、日本和欧洲多国,处处颇见萧条。这世界上没有完美的国度。多感恩、少抱怨。自强不息能创辉煌,砥砺奋进可谱华章。 展开全文原微博 清风阑夜
回复@Matt魏文轩: This sort of blue and white(Qinghua Ci) porcelain probably originated in Jingde Town, Jiangxi province in the Northern Song Dynasty. I know very little about antiques and hope this one isn't a phony. //@Matt魏文轩: Any idea where it was made, kiln-wise? 展开全文Don't judge a bowl by its cover, especially a $27 million one 🔗 网页链接 转发 1评论 0 原微博