【双语阅读】男子头部被打后成数学天才:Twelve years ago, Jason Padgett was a college drop-out working at his dad's furniture store when a mugging at a Tacoma, Washington karaoke bar...文字版>> 🔗 网页链接 (新浪长微博>> http://t.cn/zOXAaic)展开全文
【双语阅读】Windows XP正式退休 我还能用XP吗?:Although the operating system is more than 12 years old, and Windows XP computers haven't been shipped since 2010, there are still ...文字版>> 🔗 网页链接 (新浪长微博>> 🔗 网页链接展开全文
【你会翻译吗?】There is someone that is coming or passing away in your life around the clock, so you may lose sight of those seen, and forget those remembered. There is gain and loss in your life, so you may catch sight of those unseen, and remember those forgotten.展开全文
#剑桥雅思真题高频词汇#abbreviate v.缩减;习惯用语:to abbreviate the December to Dec. 把December简写为Dec;经典例句:The United States of America is commonly abbreviated to U.S.A. 美利坚合众国常被缩略为U.S.A.。展开全文
文法太难学?就用汉语语法吧!一百多年前华人在美国使“洋泾浜”英语,美国人听多后,也被同化了:1)Long time no see 好久不见,2)Look see 看看(let me have a look see),3)lose face 丢脸,4)no can do 不能做(50元卖吗?No can do!),5)no go 不行,6)Where to 哪去?(司机问乘客)展开全文
#雅思分类词汇#色彩词汇七:Navy blue 海水蓝, Nimbus grey 雨云灰色 ,Ocher 赭色, Off white 灰白, Olive 橄榄色, Olive green 草绿色;橄榄绿, Opaque 不透明, Orange 橘黄色, Oriental ted 大红, Pea green 豆绿色, Peach 桃红色, Peacock blue 孔雀蓝, Pied 杂色,Pink 粉紅色展开全文