When someone talks about MH370,I'll say:when you have eliminated all the impossible,whatever remains,however improbable,must be the truth.#没事儿读读书,长点儿脑子,别老等人回你家祈祷盼奇迹,假不假?The People's Republic of Zhuangbi# 展开全文原微博 沈阳学长
→ → //@黑眼圈不醉不说话: → →//@VitoSha: 早就把比分写腰带上了 //@宋指导叫了四年毕业了: 政协副主席了! 原微博 Mr-young214
推荐,寻找林昭的灵魂。 1968.4.29林昭被枪决,子弹费5分钱。至今日,耻痕已铭刻整45年。上溯百年,这个国度从不乏勇者以个体生命抗争极权,广谱的警醒反思却寡鲜。想说,不漠视往昔的耻辱,不漠视当下的送饭,秉公民二字知行合一,即为最好的祭奠。林昭追悼会挽联上联是"?"下联是"!"。时至今日,该加个横批了:"@ " 转发 1评论 0 原微博 Mr-young214
Fannie baby, I wanna take u somewhere we can be alone. I’ll be waiting, all there’s left to do is run. You’ll be the princess and I'll be your cavalier . It’s a love story, baby, just say "yes".@樊小果最怕鱼 Good night,and have a nice dream~ 展开全文原微博