虽然在一系列不恰当数据论证和逻辑漏洞之后李的论调可以被解读成“社会主义优越于Electoral democracy”但是他开篇收尾(个人理解的演讲本意)旨在指出deficiency of political universalism in the context of cultural relativism //@灰鸽子银水: 没关系,我们也能在人民大会堂大谈社会主义优越性。 展开全文原微博 沈殿霞
Picture of the day. Credits to Facebook #天气好就是喜欢发微博# 原微博 沈碧池
俺:oh wow, did you get a spray tan? Kinda reminds me of Donald Trump.老板:You are fired. 俺:I meant you had a billionaire look!老板: Do not even try to compare me to someone who bankrupted a casino. Who the hell bankrupts casinos anyways? #这我还真不知道# 展开全文原微博