Chinese actress Tang Wei attended a promotional event for a real estate project in Wuhan,Tang Wei presented a variety of facial expressions from smiling to surprising on the site, showing off her fascinating body and characters.2013/0920/汤唯在武漢展开全文
17日韓國報導:탕웨이의 몽환적인 매력이 담긴 과거 화보 사진이 화제를 모으고 있다."탕웨이는 여전히 예쁘네요", "탕웨이 사랑스럽다", "탕웨이 과거 사진도 예쁘네" 등의 반응을 보였다.---因為金钟国呼唤“汤唯,使得汤唯一組為韓國時尚雜誌拍攝的大片在韓網上再度受到韓國網友驚豔熱議!展开全文
L.A最新報導:Michael Mann's international cyber thriller has quietly begun filming in Los Angeles.This week a small crew from "Cyber" was set to film at the JW Marriott Los Angeles hotel at L.A. Live. -----汤唯參予的Michael Mann's 新片---開拍啦~~展开全文 原微博