那啥说是纳博科夫四零年开始整英文小说跟阿康年纪差不多请听题你说阿康能得奥斯qia3最佳编剧奖么 “My complete switch from Russian prose to English prose was exceedingly painful – like learning anew to handle things after losing seven or eight fingers in an explosion”展开全文 原微博
那啥通假『The socialist market economy is the economic model employed by the People's Republic of China. It is based on state-owned enterprises and an open-market economy, and has its origins in Deng Xiaoping's ideological concept socialism with Chinese characteristics 』展开全文 原微博
那啥四大发明『The basic theory of the united front tactic was first developed by the Comintern, an international communist organization created by communists in the wake of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution.』展开全文 原微博
那啥兄弟我发现有些词明显是台译而非路易比如 聂鲁达 策兰 应该是因为断了仨十年 还有魏复古老师57年不太有名的书 Oriental Despotism: A Comparative Study of Total Power 二十二年以后出中的评价是这个哈『对于这样明显有反动政治意图的书,如果任其流行,不加批判,那显然是不对的』文化很难断哈展开全文 原微博
那啥直译『Red Guards (Finland), Finnish Civil War Red Guards (Russia), the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the Russian Civil War Red Guards (Bavaria), in the Bavarian Soviet Republic Red Guards (Hungary), in the Hungarian Soviet Republic (1918-1919) Red Guards (China), 』展开全文 原微博