电影《寻找小糖人 Searching for Sugar Man》 (来自豆瓣) 能随时拿起,又能随时放下的东西其实才是所谓的个人理想,放下不代表失去。理想不是用来坚持的,理想是可以很平和的放下的,它不等同于诺言。so let us do want you want, and then go to the deathcase. 🔗 网页链接展开全文
【视频:Neil Young-Only Love Can Break Your Heart】 (分享自 @优酷网 )When you were young and on your own.How did it feel to be alone? I was always thinking of games that I was playing.Trying to make the best of my time. http://t.cn/zWzGZG0展开全文 原微博