However, due to this tendency, I believe homo will be inspired that they're not alone and make them aware that we're all here. So, everybody, if you meet them, please, please don't ignore them but accept, because all of us are human. Your little support matters.展开全文
Recently, since HOCC(何韵诗), HK famous singer, went out the closet, it seems lots of men have been influenced to be in a new tendency, standing for homosexual. Actually, nowadays, there're still many people who're anti-homo, believing homo and perhaps even bin are a kind of sin.展开全文 转发 1评论 0
Recently, since HOCC(何韵诗), HK famous singer, went out the closet, it seems lots of men have been influenced to be in a new tendency, standing for homosexual. Actually, nowadays, there're still many people who're anti-homo, believing homo and perhaps even bin are a kind of sin.展开全文 原微博