时光易逝,我们都要珍惜。[呵呵] 【再见,11月】过完今天,#2013只剩最后一个月#了!回首即将收官的一年,你是否感叹时光无情、岁月蹉跎?不必遗憾!若是精彩,看作成长;若是失意,当作历练。抓住时间的尾巴,从现在努力,一切还不晚。为梦想,加油! 转发 6336评论 995 原微博 暨大翻译学院团委学生会
#译呼百应#今日译句:I can see why, the boy is an absolute lunatic.(原文来自电影《花木兰》) 原微博 暨大翻译学院团委学生会
@英语口语精华: Believe it or not, you are in control of your own life. You are the reason why you are sad. You are the reason why you are happy. So don’t wait for happiness. Go out and find it. Right now! And don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise. 展开全文原微博