有的电影电视剧为了所谓平衡性别,增加女性角色的戏份,或者平白添加一个新的女性角色,但是导演和编剧都搞反了吧?不管是软妹子还是女汉子,看的都是男人好伐!说是能吸引更多女观众?有没搞错?不感兴趣的还是不会看!还不如多放点腹(gao)肌(ji)出来呢!Who cares about the female characters?展开全文
It doesn’t even matter the context or anything if Legolas and Thranduil are in the same post. I’m automatically like ‘look it’s Me and Him’. Why does someone even prohibit the Thrandui’s Works Contest tagging Legolas? I’m wounded.查看全文>>展开全文
#Lee Pace#主演,AMC新剧集《halt and catch fire》剧情介绍。八十年代计算机行业背景,开头就是佩佩饰演的Joe飞车自杀,很刺激有没有( ⊙ w ⊙ ) 继婚礼、入侵隐私后佩佩再次饰演渣男( ̄~ ̄;)……究竟这部剧的主题是天才发家史,纠葛虐恋,还是下岗员工艰难复仇路呢?我们拭目以待!展开全文
anonymous asked:In all honesty, do you think Thranduil was a good father? I mean he doesn't seem like the warm, loving type... I picture him as more of a strict father, maybe a little distant rather than affectionate. Thoughts?thranduilings answered:Ah what a🔗 网页链接展开全文
“Thranduil in his hall” by ~pangushinny 🔗 网页链接 一个泰国90后名字很长的小姑娘Kamonshanok Watthanaareekij 第二张踢得好! "Where does your journey end? You seek that which would bestow upon you the right to rule. The quest to reclaim a homeland And slay a dragon….”展开全文