学英语 //@VOA英文口语: 1.You got a right hair.你发型不错.2.It's all the rage.这个现在很流行.3.I'm looking to expand my horizons.我想拓宽自己的视野.4.Her idea is kind of out of the box.她的想法有点离谱(非常规).5.I would take her side我会支持她.展开全文
【美剧口语】1.Logging off.下(线)了.2.All their work was for naught.他们所有的工作都是白做.3.You made your point.我明白你的观点.4.I got bored and drifted off.我无聊得有点走神.5.How humiliating!多丢人!6.You started it, we just piled on.你开的头,我们只是附和罢了。—《生活大爆炸》
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